The European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists - EFFEA is an initiative of the European Festivals Association that offers emerging artists a platform to develop their careers on an international level through festivals.
What is EFFEA?
Festivals act as fertile ground for tapping into and expanding talents. They are spaces of exchange between artists and the public, facilitate connections among artists themselves and with other professionals. Festivals are alchemists of innovation, curators of risk-taking endeavours, both guardians and intermediary springboards for artists across artistic disciplines. The European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA, an initiative of the European Festivals Association, is a system built to empower festivals and offer emerging artists a platform to establish themselves on the international stage. EFFEA extends an open invitation for festivals to work across borders and create a network of colleagues with shared goals. It recognises that the future lies in the synergy of diverse perspectives and collective efforts. Through EFFEA, festivals join hands to foster the success of emerging artists. EFFEA is the next step in a movement of festivals in Europe that recognise themselves and commit to working together at a European level. It builds on the preparatory action called EFFE: Europe for Festivals Festivals for Europe.
Main Objectives
- To offer emerging artists more opportunities to present their work and develop their career on an international level
- To offer cooperation opportunities for festivals to work across borders on the topic of emerging artists
- To offer audiences new and surprising encounters with emerging artists in their towns and cities through the platforms of their festivals
Who will benefit from this Fund?
How? Network and collaboration between Festivals; new programmes and new artists for Festivals; financial support to promote the artists at a European level.
Emerging Artists who are proposed by the festivals
How? Research; network (of programmers and local artists in different countries); residencies/ workshops/ masterclasses; European visibility; capacity building; presentation in different festivals in different countries.
How? Access to new talents and artists; access to new arts and repertoire; access to diverse and interdisciplinary works.
The third call of EFFEA has recently concluded. Results are now out: 57 projects were selected, involving 57 emerging artists under the wings of 159 festivals from 35 countries and 18 artistic disciplines. Throughout Europe and beyond, artists and festivals will work on their residency programmes between 1 June 2024 and 31 May 2025.
Stay up-to-date on future calls by visiting the website news section and Facebook page regularly. We also encourage you to join the EFFEA Facebook Community.
05-09-24 EFFEA Story: Mairi Pardalaki
Residency of Mairi Pardalaki, hosted by Dance Laboratory Rhodes in partnership with Istanbul Fringe Festival & Dance Days Chania
02-09-24 EFFEA Story: Nikolina Krstičević
Residency of Nikolina Krstičević, hosted by CONTEXTILE – Bienal de Arte Têxtil Contemporânea in partnership with BIE...
27-08-24 EFFEA Story: Sutanuka Jashu
Residency of Sutanuka Jashu, hosted by Yaga Gathering in partnership with Urban Festival UIT & Expanded Publishing Fest
14-08-24 EFFEA Story: Catarina Casqueiro & Tiago Coelho
Residency of Catarina Casqueiro & Tiago Coelho, hosted by Quinzena de Dança de Almada in partnership with Šibenik Da...
08-08-24 EFFEA Story: András László Nagy
Residency of András László, presented by Mumush in partnership with Goulash Disko Festival, Malomfesztivál...
02-08-24 EFFEA Story: Voices Collective
Residency of VOICES COLLECTIVE, presented by IMPAKT in partnership with European Media Art Festival, KONTEJNER & Privacytopia
18-07-24 EFFEA Call #2: Outtake Seminar
In prime summer season, amid the bustle of either hosting or participating in festivals, festivals and artists from EFFEA Generation #...
24-06-24 EFFEA at the Arts Festivals Summit 2024
EFFEA Artists and Festivals participate in the Arts Festivals Summit 2024 on Usedom, Germany